Here is the first harvest. A couple of days later we had twice this much.

We had to take one tomato plant out. It seemed to have some type of wilt.

I moved all of the Sumpter cucumbers to one side of one tent. I have planted more Sumpter seeds in hopes that they will do better in the warmer weather. Also, I will plant them closer in towards the plastic where the ground stays a little more moist.

Here is the first watermelon beginning to form. It is a Sugar Baby.

This is the sugar baby bed.

These are Ambrosia cantaloupe. The ones in the box are doing better than the climbing vines.

Here are the climbing Ambrosia cantaloupe.

Still haven't figured out how to grow any type of bean. We are trying the brute force method in another row, planting seeds by the hundred.

The weeds were out of control in the boxes where we planted seeds. We cleaned up the butternut (Waltham) squash bed and added mulch from the Compostumbler.

Sweet potatoes (Beauregard). We also replanted one of the beds with these.

These are Jelly Bean grape tomatoes. I needed to do a better job of tying these up.

Squash, zucchini, eggplant and peppers. The squash and zucchini are really producing well.

Tomatoes are looking good.